General CCAR News Reform Judaism

2013 CCAR Convention

Rabbis Leading the Shift

Pre-Convention Programming, Sunday March 3rd 9:00 AM-3:00 PM

Convention will kick-off Sunday, March 3rd @ 4:00 PM and conclude Wednesday, March 6, 2013 @ 10:30 PM

In the past year, the Convention Committee listened to hundreds of our colleagues in face-to-face conversations and in small groups. We heard stories of shifting economic priorities, concerns about the relevance of synagogues and the Reform Movement, and questions about technology changing the nature of human interaction. We also heard stories of optimism, hope, and possibility – a desire for our colleagues to work together to shift focus, skills, and intentions so that we are ready to lead our communities through an ear of rapid shifts and change. Based on this input, the Convention theme has developed into Rabbis Leading the Shift: Jewish Possibility in a Rapidly Changing World.

As at Conventions past, you will have an opportunity to reconnect with friends, pray, and engage with some of the finest scholars, teachers, and learning opportunities in Southern California. We will also create opportunities for colleagues to listen, reflect, and meaningfully discuss the issues, concerns, and interests about which the CCAR members are most passionate. The Torah Lishmah and Professional Development learning will be integrated in three main areas: “finding my way through the shift,” “leading the shift in my workplace,” and “leading the shift in the larger world.” We hope that you will join us.

By Alx Block

Alx is the Sales and Marketing Director for the CCAR.

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